

Appointments can be made by telephone on 0141 772 6309.

If more than one member of the family needs to be seen, please make separate appointments.

If you require an urgent consultation please try to telephone the surgery as early as possible.

There are specified times set for daily urgent consultations and where a patient requires an urgent appointment the Practice would expect that the patient attends on the time allocated.

The practice is offering a range of appointments to patients - face to face, telephone and video.

Out Of Hours Service

Patients telephoning the Practice on 0141 772 6309 will be transferred directly to the appropriate phone number. Alternatively you can dial NHS24 on 111 which is free from any phone.

Out of hours emergency cover is arranged between the hours of :

Monday - Friday : 6.00pm - 8.30am

Weekends : 6.00pm on Friday - 8.30am on Monday

Public Holidays : All Day